Kevin, Tiffany, Jason and Courtney

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Big Girl Bed

Grandpa came over and built Courtney's big girl bed today. We've been talking this up for a long time so we were hoping for an easy transition. Courtney was very excited to build the bed, put on her new bedding and lay down in her new bed. Unfortunately, she had absolutely no interest in sleeping in her new bed. After the bed was built, we had a lot of clean up to do. Courtney must not have had a good night sleep in her crib last night since she fell asleep on the living room floor awaiting her new big girl room. Needless to say, she had no intention of taking another nap, new bed or not. She currently is out of her bed, at the baby gate shouting "I can't sleep!" This has been going on for about an hour or so. Let's keep our fingers crossed that she'll fall asleep sometime tonight!

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