Kevin, Tiffany, Jason and Courtney

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Happy Easter!

The Easter bunny came! The kids received lots of new books and toys. Jason played with his army men all day, while Courtney preferred to run around the house with the plastic eggs and baskets declaring "Easter!!". (If anyone was wondering, we are missing our couches. That's why the the kids look like they're in a line up. The couches should be coming soon. The Easter bunny had a very hard time hiding the eggs this year!)

Coloring Eggs

Easter arrived even though there was almost a foot of snow on the ground. The kids colored eggs the night before. Jason was an old pro at this and wanted to two-tone most of his eggs. Courtney of course wanted to dye most of hers purple. By the end, Courtney insisted that she put the egg in the dye all by herself. Surprisingly, most of the dye was on the eggs and not all over the kids!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!!

The leprechaun came to visit. He did a little trick and hid a small gift for each of the kids. Jason was surprised to see his milk was green.