Today we went apple picking! It was lots of fun until the mosquitoes and the humidity came. Jason liked finding the biggest apple he could reach and Courtney kept taking a bite out of one apple from every tree we passed.
I finally got around to redoing Jason's room. It was very hard to say goodbye to the cutesy little boy room. However, I have to say I really like the new Batman room!
Courtney had her birthday party on Saturday. Even though she was upset her cousins couldn't come, she still had a wonderful time. The theme of her party was Abby Cadabby.
While I prepared for Courtney's party, Kevin took the kids to Pottery Barn to see the Star Wars characters. They stood in line for twenty minutes to take this 20 second picture. At least I was able to vacuum the house!
Courtney celebrated her third birthday today! We had a whirlwind weekend. Saturday, we went to a birthday party for Timothy who has the same birthday as Courtney. Sunday, we had two Bar-be-ques, ending with fireworks and getting home at midnight. Monday, Courtney picked lunch at Red Robin then games galore at Chuck E. Cheese. The kids traded in their tickets for the pink ball. (I think it only cost us about $150.00) Tuesday, being her actual birthday, Courtney and I went to story time and had lunch with Grandma. We finished the day with opening presents and eating birthday cupcakes. It was a very happy birthday!